論壇由澳門基金會資助、《中華醫藥學報》(Chinese Medicine)編輯部承辦。論壇的成功舉辦,進一步加強《中華醫藥學報》與全球生物醫藥領域SCI期刊的合作與交流,擴大中醫藥國際影響、促進中醫藥科技創新及產業發展。與會期刊編輯有《Journal of Ethnopharmacology》和《Phytochemistry Reviews》主編 Rob Verpoorte (荷蘭)、《Phytochemical Analysis》主編Satya Sarker教授(英國)、《International Journal of Molecular Sciences》主編和《Molecules》 副主编Maurizio Battino(意大利)、《ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces》執行編輯Kui Yu(中國)、《Phytomedicine》副主編 Milen Georgiev (保加利亞)、《Phytochemical Analysis》執行編輯Lutfun Nahar(英國)、《BMC》出版編輯Joyce Li(英國),澳大《中華醫藥學報》主編王一濤(澳門)、執行編輯王春明(澳門)等。
科學引文索引SCI(Science Citation Index),是一部世界著名的期刊文獻檢索工具,由美國科學資訊研究所出版。科研機構被 SCI 收錄的論文總量, 反映出整個學術團體的研究水平、尤其是基礎研究的水平;個人的論文被 SCI 收錄的數量及被引用次數,反映出個人的研究能力與學術水平。
The Forum is our annual highlighted programme. Each year, a handful of senior editors serving a variety of internationally renowned journals gather and share their opinions over journal development as well as approaches to write up scientific papers with our society members, professors, researchers and students in Macau. We often discuss how to increase publication quality and the reputation of a science journal, as well as how to share resources with each other (e.g. referring manuscripts to each other, sharing reviewers database and exchange guest editors etc) to co-develop to the next level.